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Golf Outing: September 9th

The Huron County Republican Party is hosting its first annual Republican Party golf outing on September 9th, 2023 at 8:30 at the Millstone Hills Golf Club: 2240 Euclid Rd, New London OH 44851


Four person teams can enter the tournament to compete. Each will receive a cart, food, and prizes. There will be cash hole prizes, blackjack on 18, and special tee boxes. Additionally, there are several sponsorship tiers:


Essential Elephant $50 : Hole Sign on at Clubhouse

Hole Sponsor $100 : Hole Sign on a Tee Box

Team Entry $400 : 4-person team 18 Holes Each w/cart & Food & Prizes. Cash prize holes, Blackjack on 18, Special Tee Boxes

Par Sponsor $500 : 1 Team entry, Hole sign on a Tee Box & Flyer mention

Birdie Sponsor $900 : 2 Team Entry, Sign on carts, Flyer mention and Hole Sign on a Tee Box

Eagle Sponsor $1200 : 2 Team Entry, Sign on Carts, Recognition in the Flyer, Hole sign on a Tee Box & sign at Registration

Scorecard Sponsor $1000 : (*Only 1 per 18 Holes) Your Company’s Name and Logo on every score card, Recognition in the Flyer & opportunity to provide promotional items to golfers.

Lunch Sponsor $1000 : Half Page ad in Flyer, Banner at the Awards Buffet, 1 Hole Sign at Tee Box, opportunity to provide promotional items in golfer’s gift bags.

Dinner Sponsor $1400 (1 Only) : Half Page ad in Flyer, Banner at Awards Buffet, 1 Hole Sign at Tee Box, opportunity to provide promotional item’s in golfers gift bags.

ACE Sponsor $2500 Hole-In-One Sponsor on a Par 3 with Half Page ad in Flyer, Banner at Awards Buffet, 2 Team Entries, Pin Flag on your sponsor Hole with YOUR COMPANY NAME & LOGO, Hole Sign on a Tee Box.


Preparations are ongoing! If you are interested in helping with the outing, please contact the party at


Entry Form

Sponsor Form


2023/05/11 Update to team entry cost

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